Saint relic a mass highlight

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Saint relic a mass highlight

The presence of a relic of a 12th century Portuguese Saint will be a highlight of a celebratory Mass in Millicent tomorrow.

St. Anthony’s Primary School principal Liza Couzens said they are eagerly anticipating the Whole-School Mass led by Mount Gambier/Millicent parish priest Father Peter Zwaans at 10am at St Alphonsus Catholic Church.

“It will celebrate the Feast Day of St. Anthony and the 125th anniversary of St. Anthony’s Catholic Primary School,” Ms Couzens said.

“This promises to be an exceptional day for our entire community.

“A special highlight of the Mass will be the relic of St. Anthony, kindly loaned to us by Father Michael Romeo from Our Lady Queen of Peace Church in suburban Adelaide.

“We are grateful to Fr. Michael and the parish for this generous gesture.”

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