Seaside snapshot sparks memories

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Seaside snapshot sparks memories

Beachport has changed remarkably over the past 70 years since this black and white photograph was taken.

It shows an unsealed Beach Road and well before properties on this esplanade fetched more than $2m.

The image has been shared on social media by the Beachport National Trust Museum and is understood to show a young Robert Clyne.

His late father Colin Clyne was a Millicent pharmacist, active community member and a keen and talented amateur photographer.

Many of his photographs form the Colin Clyne Collection at the Millicent Public Library.

Robert Clyne has gone on to have a varied career as a police STAR Force officer, historian, businessman and currently executive director of the Masonic Foundation.

He renewed his association with his home town around 15 years ago when he became Master of the Millicent Freemasons Lodge.

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