Senior politicians visit region

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Senior politicians visit region

The State Labor Government and the Liberal Opposition both sent senior figures to the South East last week and they called at major population centres.

Sports and Recreation Minister Katrine Hildyard spent two days in the region and was accompanied by Independent MacKillop MP Nick McBride.

They called at Bordertown’s Tolmer Speedway, swimming lakes at Millicent and Naracoorte, Millicent’s Peter Seebohm Basketball stadium, Robe Oval and the proposed Long Beach site for surf lifesaving facilities.

“The South East is one of the most beautiful regions in our state and it is great to see communities thriving through the clubs and facilities that do such a great job at bringing people together,” Minister Hildyard said.

“We know that clubs across our state play such an important role for their communities, and this is amplified in our regions where clubs are the heartbeat of our towns.

“They play a huge role in keeping all South Australians active and enjoying the mental and physical health benefits from being so.”

Meanwhile, Liberal Opposition Leader Vincent Tarzia and his shadow cabinet spent three days in Mount Gambier.

They highlighted various initiatives for the Blue Lake city with a combined price tag of $40m

Mr Tarzia said it was a great opportunity to meet with locals, hear their stories firsthand, and talk about their hopes and vision for this important regional hub.

“During our visit, we also unveiled a bold plan for Mount Gambier’s future – a comprehensive policy package aimed at unlocking the region’s full potential and delivering real social and economic benefits for generations to come,” Mr Tarzia said.

“Regional communities like Mount Gambier are the backbone of South Australia, but they’re often overlooked by the Labor Government.

“Supporting these communities means investing in the future of our entire state.

“This plan shows that a Tarzia Liberal Government, if elected in 2026, is ready to take Mount Gambier to the next level.”

Members of the shadow cabinet held a 90-minute public session at the Wulanda Recreation Centre.

Among the locals who took the opportunity to ask questions were Mount Gambier Mayor Lynette Martin, Dr Barney McCusker and Diana Wiseman.

Mayor Martin said her council would welcome funding for a number of projects as outlined by the Liberals.

The other function open to the public was a breakfast with the leadership at the Metro Café.

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