Show excitement builds

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Show excitement builds

All indications suggest the 147th Millicent Show from November 8-10 will be one of the best on record.

The showgrounds at the Gordon Memorial Oval are in tip-top condition and will welcome thousands through the Adelaide Road gates.

Although the motocross event is again missing from the program, the Millicent Show Society believes there is still plenty to draw the crowds.

In addition to the ever-popular fireworks on Friday night, Millicent Show Society secretary Sue Vanderheul said the shearing pavilion should be packed from late afternoon.

She said the Casterton Show is also on the same weekend but its shearing competition will not be held.

“This will work in favour for Millicent’s speed shear event,” Ms Vanderheul said.

“Friday night will also feature a demonstration of ride-on lawn mower racing on the flat portion of the motocross track.

“We have made a number of improvements to the buildings and grounds.

“The electrical cabling in the poultry and sheep pavilions have been upgraded and LED lighting installed.

“Thanks to volunteer labour and a grant from the Foundation for Rural Regional Renewal, the stage in front of the schools’ display hall now has new fence and a canopy for the first time.

“This provides protection for the young people who will take part in the Master Tiny Tot, Miss Showgirl and other contests around lunchtime on Sunday.

“We have indoor and outdoor places for trade exhibitors and all spots have been booked.

“There will be a number of MPs on site including Tony Pasin MHR, Ben Hood MLC, Nick McBride MP and a representative of One Nation.”

A valuable money-spinner for the Millicent Show over the past few years has been hosting markets and collecting fees from stallholders.

Ms Vanderheul said a market will also be staged on the Sunday which is the third and final day of the Millicent Show.

“The only events on Sunday are the horses in action and there has never been an admission charge,” she said.

“We are staging an outdoors market on the Sunday in 2024 and admission will again be free.”

A number of closing dates to lodge entries are approaching with, for example, the Indoor Section paperwork needed by Friday (November 1).

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