RU OK? It is the question that can literally save a life.
R U OK? Day is a national day of action when we remind Australians that any day is the right day to ask ‘are you OK?’
You do not need to be an expert to ask the question are you OK.
If you have a feeling that someone is not behaving as they normally would, this simple question might be just the support they need to help them through a difficult period.
Sadly – the statistics are alarming. Suicide is the leading cause of death for people aged 15-44 in Australia and three in four suicides are men. And is not limited to under 45-year-olds.
The causes of suicide are complex, and there are many risk factors that can lead to serious risk of poor mental health due to the stressful life events such as unemployment, relationship breakdowns, financial distress or heath issues.
I urge you all to check in with friends, family and colleagues and just start the conversation.
Trust your instincts and ask the question “R U OK” and be ready to listen – it could the conversation that makes a difference in someone’s life.