Now is the time to learn about the opportunities for carbon smart farming in the Limestone Coast
The road to carbon smart farming can be overwhelming, with an abundance of information from many different sources and sometimes from far away.
We all know that farmers are being put under increasing pressure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The first introductory workshops on carbon smart farming are being offered next month by the Limestone Coast Landscape Board.
During these workshops, farmers will be able discuss some carbon smart farming pilot trials, delve into carbon calculators and learn how to calculate their own carbon emissions from their farm, and go through the co-benefits of carbon farming and how this can result in cost savings for their enterprise.
The landscape board’s Carbon Outreach Officer Edel Stoner said the workshops are an important first step for new land managers considering their carbon options for the first time, or experienced carbon farmers wanting to join the conversation and support others seeking information.
“Initially, land managers may recognise their role in carbon smart farming in discussions through their supply chains,” she said.
“We are aware that conversations about participating in carbon sequestration on farm can be quite daunting to understand where to start. We can support farmer’s efforts towards the long-term sustainability of their enterprises with an introduction to carbon smart farming in our workshops early next year.
“Subsequent workshops will be able to drill down on the topics of most interest to land managers later in 2025.”
The introductory workshops are being held around the region – Bordertown, Kingston, Naracoorte, Millicent and Mount Gambier.
Join the carbon smart conversation by registering for one of the workshops nearest you at
You can also follow the page to receive updates and join the discussion.
For more information about the Carbon Smart Project, contact Edel on 8429 7550 or 0438 726 315.