South East Veteran golfers head south to take on the Bay

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South East Veteran golfers head south to take on the Bay

Asmall field of 40 players visited the Port MacDonnell Golf Club for the latest round of SE Veterans 

The results were good with a best score of 41 points by Jimmy Hyland of Millicent taking out Second Division honours.

Hyland had to fend off from his cart mate, Trev Hutchesson with 40 points.

Third place went to the lucky Lyndsay Copeman with a round of 37 points.

First Division went to Kingston’s Milan Hodak with 38 points.

It was a thrilling finish with Hodak only finishing one point ahead of Rob Ellis and Wayne “Wombat” Peters from Robe.

Ellis took the countback on 37 points from Peters.

The Ross Orchard went to Chris Carr and Ron Hately and the ball rundown was to 30 or better.

Nearest the pins were Wayne Dunford on the fourth and Herman Van Der Heul on the ninth.

The scribe observed John Howe do a “Happy Gilmore” drive on the seventh hole during which he nearly overbalanced, creating mirth for the onlookers.

He blamed his wrong shoes but the result was not too bad.

The next South East Veterans outing is at Blue Lake on Monday, March 7 after allowing for Southern Ports week, followed by the AGM and Ambrose at Attamurra.

Naturally enough there are vacancies available on the committee.

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