Spending snub frustration

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Spending snub frustration

Local politicians and key members of the Limestone Coast agricultural industry have spoken out following last week’s announcement the Mount Gambier Saleyards Transformation Project was again unsuccessful in securing Federal Government.

In October 2024, Grant District Council reapplied for $7.4m through round two of the Growing Regions Program for the Mount Gambier Districts Livestock Exchange 2030 Transformation Project after an unsuccessful round one application – but was again denied funding.

The council recently confirmed its financial contribution of $4.6m allowing for the project to be completed in its entirety when paired with the State Government’s recently recommitted $2.7m and matching Federal Government funding.

The Mount Gambier Combined Agents issued a statement late last week stating they are “extremely disappointed” by the decision.

“The Federal Government continue to overlook the economic, environmental and social animal welfare outcomes the redevelopment of the Mount Gambier and District Saleyards delivers,” the statement read.

“The comprehensive evidence base delivered for this generational investment is compelling, yet the region continues to be ignored, risking the redirection of trade, averaging $130m each year, to Victorian selling centres in the short term.

“The combined agents thank Grant District Council for their ongoing commitment and significant financial contribution in making sure this project is shovel ready and will not only secure local jobs and ensure the safety of users and welfare of livestock, but it also supports the prosperity of the agricultural market and the broader value chain it sustains across the Limestone Coast.

“Member for Barker Tony Pasin has actively listened to our ongoing calls and secured an election commitment from his party room if a Dutton-led Coalition is elected, promising $7.5m towards the build.

“However, the Albanese Government appears to be only focused on its city-based marginal seats and renewable agendas, failing to respond to our ongoing invitations to meet our members or indeed visit the yards after four long years of campaigning.”

The agents said they were “heartened by the $2.7m pledge of the State Government and applaud the ongoing advocacy of Premier Peter Malinauskas and Minister for Primary Industries Claire Scriven, promoting our case federally”.

“We hope those efforts will be sustained as we continue this fight towards the upcoming election – the future of our local agricultural sector depends on it,” the agents said.

Meanwhile Mr Pasin said with South Australia receiving just 3% of funding under the latest round of Growing Regions program, the Mount Gambier and Districts Saleyards Transformation Project will be a major point of difference in this year’s Federal Election for the Limestone Coast.

“In 2022 Anthony Albanese promised no one would be left behind under an Albanese Labor Government, yet round 2 of Labor’s flagship regional funding stream, Growing Regions, has left SA out in the cold. We deserve more than 3% of the $392m,” Mr Pasin said.

“The Mount Gambier and Districts Saleyards Transformation Project has the potential to boost economic activity in the Limestone Coast and support our livestock industry at a time the Albanese Labor Government is making life for our farmers harder and harder.

“The importance of this project has been shamefully disregarded by the Albanese Labor Government yet again.

“It’s blatantly obvious that Labor is more interested in playing politics and prioritising states and seats the Prime Minister is desperate to hold or win in the upcoming election.

“The rejection of critical funding for the Mount Gambier and Districts Saleyards is … a real kick in the guts to the Mount Gambier and broader Limestone Coast community.”

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