Sport club to roll in long lease

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Sport club to roll in long lease

Aseaside sporting club is moving towards securing an unprecedented 40-year lease of its current coastal playing arena.

The Robe Bowling Club has long been located on prime Crown land overlooking the town beach and Guichen Bay.

The bowlers have repeatedly held discussions over many years with the Robe their District Council plans to extend the facilities and possibly add a restaurant.

There has been considerable speculation in recent years about the future of this valuable portion of Crown land with the possibility of a convention centre mooted.

Two years ago, the Robe Bowling Club sent a letter to the council requesting a 40-year lease to not only secure the long-term future of the club, but also to benefit it in raising the support and finance it requires in the short-term.

Robe District Council has now decided to invite public comment on a new proposed lease with the Robe Bowling Club.

It offers an initial term of 20 years and a right of renewal for a further 20 years.

“The lease is intended to facilitate future development including public toilets and ensure long-term sustainability for the Robe Bowling Club,” council chief executive Nat Traeger said.

“Key terms Include an annual $1 peppercorn rent, providing public access to the toilets and the requirement to obtain development approval within five years.

“Robe District Council will continue to handle maintenance and repairs for the public toilets.”

Public comment closes on March 3.

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