Sports Park left scarred

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Sports Park left scarred

Some little birds have caused a big problem at Blue Lake Sports Park, with all scheduled cricket matches having to be relocated due to severe damage to the oval.

In recent weeks the Blue Lake Sports Park cricket oval and several others around town have had some unwanted visitors causing problems to the grass.

The Little Corellas have seriously damaged the surfaces, digging up the grass on the ovals while searching for seeds and insects.

Mount Gambier and District Cricket Association President and South Gambier player Robbie Drenthen said the bird damage had made the oval unsafe, putting players in danger given the unstable ground.

The South Gambier Cricket Club has been forced to move its home matches from Blue Lake Sports Park due to the damage.

Last week’s A Grade Barber Shield match which was scheduled to be played at Blue Lake Sports Park was moved to Marist Park because of the unsuitable playing surface.

Drenthen said the season was “done” at Blue Lake Sports Park, with not much able to be done due to the amount of damage.

“It’s been catastrophic really, the season is done,” he said.

“I have been working with council to see what can be done from here out for the rest of the season, besides from giving it a top dressing there’s not much else we can really do, they did the damage in the space of only three or four days.

“I doubt we are going to be doing anything for the rest of the year but we’re working with council and if we can we will try but it just depends on what they’re willing to do and if they’re willing to give it a top dress or not.”

It’s not the first year the birds have caused mayhem on the oval, in previous years the birds had destroyed the pitch, however this season the club has worked to protect it better.

“Other years they have attacked the cricket pitch but we have obviously been able to protect that better this year,” Drenthen said.

“Once they have attacked the cricket pitch we have had to pull the pin on the year before as well because of that, but this year has been the first time we have had to pull the pin because of the oval.”

MATCH RELOCATED: The South Gambier Cricket Club has been forced to move its home matches from Blue Lake Sports Park due to the damage. Last week’s A Grade Barber Shield match which was scheduled to be played at Blue Lake Sports Park was moved to Marist Park because of the unsafe ground.

Drenthen said it was disappointing to relocate matches, but player safety was paramount.

“Because the surface is so unstable you’re basically playing on plates of grass that are not connected to anything,” he said.

“So if you’re running or sliding on them and the ground moves under your feet then it can cause injury, so you can still play on it, but the risk of injury is what causes the problem and we cannot open ourselves up for that kind of stuff.”

Drenthen hopes next season both the council and the association will be a bit more proactive in preventing the birds from damaging Blue Lake Sports Park and other grounds around town.

“We will work with council again and hopefully we can be a bit more proactive in stopping it,” he said.

“They sort of attack other grounds as well, the grubs are starting to arrive at Frew Park and I think the Corellas are starting to eat a bit at East as well.

“It’s something we’re going to have to get on top of otherwise it’s going to get worse and worse.”

Drenthen said the association would need to keep relocating games and he was grateful for the cooperation of the other clubs for keeping their pitches available and ready to use for any rescheduled games.

“We will probably have to keep moving games so the cooperation of the other clubs who are preparing their wickets its invaluable,” he said.

“At the moment we had to move the South v West game to Marist Park and had to move the North game and because we are preparing all our own decks it’s really asking a lot of clubs to prepare decks when their teams are not playing on them at the moment.

“It’s great that everyone can be understanding and everyone can pull together so we can put some games into teams.”

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