Stage set for young performances to enter expanded eisteddfod

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Stage set for young performances to enter expanded eisteddfod

Mount Gambier Eisteddfod Divisional Committees are currently working hard to finetune the schedule of events ready for the 2023 season, entries for which will open tomorrow.

The Choral and Vocal committee has added numerous new sections in the under 12 years and under 14 years age groups responding to feedback from these ages they wanted more options to be able to perform.

Music has added an Open section for a small ensemble, 3-6 members any combination of instruments including vocals.

This follows on from adding song and dance to the choral and vocal division.

Many participants study multi areas of the performing arts today and this gives them more that one division they can enter into.

The dance committee has added under 10 and under 12 own choreography section plus duo/trio for the 8 year and under 10 years age group across all genres.

Visit www.backstaginc.org for details of these new sections.

Online music uploads are also being considered and may be trialled in Dance or Calisthenics.

On a sadder note, the Debating Division does not appear to be going to be offered this year due to a lack of a director.

This division has been very successful and very well supported by the schools.

It was formerly run by the Speech and Drama committee as a one-day competition.

However, the school teacher director who coordinated it within the school’s system saw it grow rapidly to four days.

Several school teachers have taken it on over the years but when the last one retired, a replacement teacher could not be found to direct it.

For a while it also looked like the music division would be running for the last time but a volunteer has steped up to learn the ropes during 2023 so they can take over in 2024.

The Mount Gambier Eisteddfod delegate to the AESA conferences said at conferences there was a very common theme, with not enough volunteers and many Eisteddfod societies either downsizing or some closing due to the shortages.

Backstage Incorporated, the producers of the Eisteddfod would welcome any interested persons to join the sub committees.

Contact the Secretary on for further details.

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