State squad selection

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State squad selection

Congratulations from across the district have been extended to Ryder Lindner for making the under 15 state cricket team.

The Millicent Black Hats batsman excelled on turf in the recent under 15 Pathway Carnival at Park 25 (Railways Oval) in the Adelaide parklands.

Representing SA Country Black, the 14-year-old topped the scoring for the week averaging an incredible 169.

The aggregate came from just four innings and his sole dismissal was a catch on the boundary line attempting a six.

The carnival comprised two 20 over games and two 40 over games.

“I opened the innings once and the other three times were in the top and middle order,” Lindner said.

“I do not mind wherever I bat.”

Another carnival success for Ryder last month was a regional carnival at Horsham.

Ryder and three of his teammates from the South East team were named in the Team of the Carnival.

State honours means Ryder returns to Adelaide for further coaching and training followed by a carnival against the other states.

“We wish you all the success in the team Ryder and know you will do well but most of all enjoy the experience,” Millicent Black Hats president Michael Gibson said.

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