Station shut down

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Station shut down

The South East region will lose its back-up power generation source when the unmanned Snuggery power station shuts at the end of June.

The 63-megawatt generator on the Princes Highway near the KCA Millicent Mill consists of three diesel-fuelled open cycle gas turbines.

It was built by the State Government’s Electricity Trust of South Australia in1978 and used as a peaking power plant on hot days. They both would be taken out of service from July 1, ahead of a full closure in 2028.

The plants are owned by Engie which is understood to have examined several alternatives to closure including upgrades, battery storage and alternative fuels.

“We have worked closely with authorities to explore all possible options to keep these assets in market, but the accelerated pace of the energy transition continues to place pressure on all our existing thermal assets, and closure is the most rational outcome,” Engie’s chief executive in Australia and New Zealand, Rik De Buyserie said.

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