Step out to enjoy Limestone Coast’s changing landscape

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Step out to enjoy Limestone Coast’s changing landscape

Local community members are invited to take part in the free upcoming Walking the Seasons sessions across the Limestone Coast.

The first of the six sessions will be held at Canunda National Park on Wednesday, March 5.

Walking the Seasons is a collaborative project delivered by the Limestone Coast Landscape Board and Burrandies Aboriginal Corporation.

The Walking the Seasons program is inspired by the region’s First Nations Seasonal Calendar. The Seasonal Calendar provides a base to record changes through the year in a specific area of the landscape.

This year will provide an opportunity for community members to become part of this unique program and attend a walking session at various locations across the Limestone Coast. 

The interactive experience provides cultural learning about our local landscape.

Landscape Educator for the Limestone Coast Landscape Board Mel Holtz said led by a Traditional Owner, the cultural knowledge and expertise shared make this unique program an interesting experience for all ages.

“Creating awareness of First Nations’ cultural heritage in the region is important,” she said.

“Establishing a link between Country and culture offers the community an opportunity to better understand the landscape through a First Nations lens.

“Providing purposeful interactive experiences in our local landscape is important for community. It is an opportunity for the community to learn from and appreciate the important connections taking place in our landscape.”

Limestone Coast Landscape Board and Burrandies Aboriginal Corporation encourage all community members to take advantage of these free sessions being offered across the region in 2025.

Local community members who would like to take part are encouraged to visit our website and register for a walk

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