Strategic plan out for community consultation

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Strategic plan out for community consultation

Ratepayers are being encouraged to provide community feedback on the draft 2024-2028 City of Mount Gambier Strategic Plan following council endorsement this month.

The draft plan has been informed by the aspirations, priorities and values articulated in the Community Vision – Mount Gambier – 2035 and will guide council’s work over the next four years.

To inform the review of its Strategic Plan, council facilitated the development of a new Community Vision between November 2023 and June 2024 where residents, workers, students, visitors, business owners and anyone connected to Mount Gambier were invited to contribute.

“The strategic priorities outlined in the draft plan include those directly derived from Mount Gambier – 2035, under the headings Environment and Liveability, Learning and Innovation, Infrastructure and Services, Economic and Business Growth and A Vibrant Community, along with the addition of a sixth priority that highlights council’s commitment to accountable leadership and governance,” Mayor Lynette Martin OAM said.

“Under each strategic priority we articulate what success looks like, what we will do and the key projects we will deliver over the next four years as we work towards the long-terms goals in the community’s vision.

“It presents council’s vision and purpose statements and summarises the organisational values that guide the way we do our work.”

The draft document is available to download here or in hard copy from the council office at the Civic Centre.

Feedback forms are available at the Civic Centre, 10 Watson Terrace.

Consultation closes on November 7 and elected members will formally consider all feedback before adopting the final plan at the November council meeting.

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