Surf club support

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Surf club support

Member for Barker Tony Pasin MP has awarded the Robe Surf Life Saving Club a grant of $5000 to support Surf Life Saving volunteers.

Mr Pasin said the funding, will support the club’s volunteers during beach patrols, Nippers training sessions and members events.

“Barker has an incredible coastline that is enjoyed by thousands of residents and visitors each summer. Our local volunteer life savers do a phenomenal job to ensure beachgoers at Robe can enjoy the summer holidays as safely as possible,” Mr Pasin said.

“This small grant will enable the club to purchase equipment that will support volunteers who contribute their time and skills to improving beach safety at Robe.”

Mr Pasin said Surf Life Savers work tirelessly on the frontline, and behind the scenes, to improve water safety.

“Over 9000 members from 22 clubs volunteer more than 80,000 hours a year along South Australia’s coastline including here in Robe,” he said.

“This grant is a small way in which the Federal Government can support volunteers to continue their invaluable work, in this case helping to protect lives and sustain the visitor economy in the popular tourist towns of Robe.”

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