Sustainability in style at Wattle Range Council-led community workshops

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Sustainability in style at Wattle Range Council-led community workshops

Activities, workshops and opportunities to learn to live sustainably will be held in Millicent this weekend.

Wattle Range Council are inviting people to ‘Re-A-Range’ their thinking; try something a little different; and expand their knowledge on sustainable practices through a weekend of workshops, experiences and useful resources.

An initiative of the Council’s Climate Change Action Plan Group, ‘Re-A-Range – A Sustainability Weekend’ is aimed at looking into local opportunities for an off-grid lifestyle and how to live your best life sustainably.

It will be one of the last chances to view “Rationally Wasted” at the Millicent Gallery which features the works of Hatherleigh’s Selena Smith and Naracoorte’s Diana Perkins.

As a happy coincidence, journalist turned romance writer Maya Linnell will be making a brief return to her home district on Friday night to launch her sixth book “Wallaby Lane”.

The launch will commence at 6pm at the Millicent Public Library.

Ms Linnell is a graduate of Tantanoola Primary School and Millicent High School and has lived near Portland for over a decade.

She and her husband and their three children are about to move to Queensland.

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