Tag: acma

Station seeks permanent licence

AMillicent not-for-profit community group submitted vital paperwork to a Federal Government agency on Friday.
The Australian Communications and Media Authority had invited applications for a...

Radio station’s bid for permanent licence

A Millicent not-for-profit community group headed by David Walshaw (pictured) was handed a significant task in the days before Christmas by a Federal Government...

Railway relic discovered

Anear century-old relic of railway history has recently been found during a clean-up of a Millicent property. It is the key which is understood to...

Millicent station broadcast on rise

The new board of management of Millicent community radio station 5THE FM has taken charge, arranged to have the locks changed on the Railway...

Media ‘licence breach’

Millicent community radio station 5THE FM has breached two of its licence conditions according to the Australian Communications and Media Authority. The government body published...

Concerned residents take legal action

The services of a Mount Gambier law firm have been engaged by a group of concerned Millicent residents who are seeking action at the...