Tag: crater lakes

Riders gravitate towards region

All tracks will lead to Mount Gambier this weekend as the Blue Lake city hosts round 2 of the Reserve Gravity Enduro series.
Local riders...

Snake season ssslithers in

As the first weeks of Spring bring warmth to the region, some of the Limestone Coast’s reptiles are also on the move. Snake sightings are...

Crater Lakes plan takes step forward

Mount Gambier City Council is seeking community input to develop a Crater Lakes Trails Plan. Council engaged Open Trails Australia to develop a Trails Plan...

Competitors gear up for annual Tower Trail Run

Mount Gambier will host the annual Tower Trail Run on Sunday, with events ranging from 5km to a 56km ultra marathon. The event will centre...

City Council to hold bike trail talks

The future of the Crater Lakes from the perspective of the Mount Gambier Mountain Bike Association may be presented to City Council within the...

Lakes rejuvenation continues

It has been nine months since the Crater Lakes precinct was significantly burned and work is still under way to reinstate and make better...

Lakes set to Erupt

The Mount Gambier Disc Golf Club will host its major annual event at the Valley Lakes precinct this weekend, attracting over 150 competitors, support...

Major events put city on map

Awinter arts festival for the Blue Lake City has been mooted by member for Mount Gambier Troy Bell along with more commercial activities in...

Trail springs back to life

Mount Gambier City Council last week reopened the Blue Gum Trail in Mount Gambier’s Crater Lakes precinct following the fire in January this year. To...

Lakes future discussion

Mount Gambier City Council is inviting feedback to determine the community’s engagement with and future aspirations for the Crater Lakes area. General Manager City and...

Lakes revegetation project under way

Work is continuing in the Crater Lakes area focusing on the targeted removal of pest weeds and plants, following a $50,000 Limestone Coast Landscape...

Further access granted to Crater Lakes precinct

Mount Gambier City Council last week re-opened a section of the Sugarloaf, enabling users to access the area between Potters Point and the Punchbowl...

Disc golf returns to Crater Lakes

Since its world-renowned Crater Lakes course came within metres of going up in flames in January, the Mount Gambier Disc Golf community has rallied...

More restrictions lifted at fire-ravaged Crater Lakes area

More areas of the Crater Lakes have been reopened six weeks after fire burned through more than 50ha of the precinct. Mount Gambier City Council...

Talk is cheap – time for action

A second exit out of the Valley Lake should be one of the top priorities of any Crater Lakes area master plan, according to...