Tag: cropping

Rain brings production falls

South East farmers are counting the cost of “‘unhelpful” rainfall throughout the 2024 calendar year with a commonly-held view the grain harvest yield is...

Farmers pin hopes on solid spring rains

Experts warn the next few weeks are crucial for farmers in the South East following a green drought earlier this season caused by heavy...

Late rain lifts farm hopes

Limestone Coast producers are still watching the skies as the region struggles into the second month of winter. The region is well down on its...

Forecast tempers crop outlook

The 2023-24 crop growing season is well under way with the emergence of early sown crops already starting to occur in some areas. Crop seeding...

Competition sorts the wheat from the chaff

AMillicent farmer has grown the best wheat crop in South Australia according to a keenly-sought annual contest. An 11.48t per hectare wheat crop was enough...

Crop harvest peaks

Grain receivals into Viterra’s eastern region are reaching completion with the majority of activity occurring in the South East. Viterra eastern region operations manager Jo...

Farmers learn what’s on horizon

Two digital tools are delivering Australian farmers the best available climate data to help prepare for future drought and climate change. Member for Barker Tony...

Crop growers reap high global prices

Late season rain, hail and wind has failed to put a dampener on the record South Australian 2021-22 grain crop with the latest State...

Struggling farmers reap goodwill on first ‘giving day’

Australia’s most trusted rural charity Rural Aid has been overwhelmed by the generous support for our mates in the 
bush. Australians showed amazing generosity for...

Weather dampens crop-growers’ spirits

Graziers in the Lower South East are currently benefitting from favourable circumstances according to the latest State Government report. “Livestock are in good condition and...

Grain value reaches record high

The 2021-22 South Australian grain harvest is estimated to be the most valuable on record reaching a farmgate value of $2.8b, according to a...