Tag: job

Police careers unlocked

South Australia Police (SAPOL) will host its inaugural Mount Gambier regional assessment centre next month, giving Limestone Coast residents better access to a potential...

Mill club to expand

Hundreds will attend a dinner in Mount Gambier tonight to honour 45 long-serving employees of the Kimberly-Clark Australia Millicent Mill. Job mobility is a current...

Job vacancy record

Arecord number of job vacancies has been recorded across regional Australia and Mount Gambier continues to be a popular choice for regional movers. According to...

Horror story a farm safety warning

SA Power Networks has launched an emotional farm safety campaign featuring Bradley Richardson, a victim of a terrible electric shock incident. Bradley’s story is a...

Young nurse tops award

One of the region’s most dedicated and talented young health professionals is a Mount Gambier resident who nurses at Millicent Hospital. Associate Nurse Unit Manager...