Tag: lamb

Ag balance battle

Limestone Coast livestock producers are facing the challenge of balancing high stock prices while battling increasing input costs. Mount Gambier Combined Agents chairman Andrew Whan...

New leaders appointed to livestock framework

Australia’s world-first Sheep Sustainability Framework (SSF) has announced a series of new appointments to its leadership, including Dr Scott Williams as Chair and four...

Cattle weights reach all time high

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has released its livestock slaughter and production figures for the fourth quarter of 2021 and the results reinforce...

Flock rebuild boost

The national flock is predicted to grow by 4.9% to 74.4 million head in 2022, reaching its highest level since 2013, according to Meat...

Tech provides lamb meat quality insight

Lamb processors and brand owners in Australia will be able to benchmark their product and ensure it meets their customer needs following commercial accreditation...