Tag: Limestone Coast Landscape Board

Pasture forecast made easy

Aresource published last week will help South Australian livestock producers choose the best pasture forecasting tool for their circumstances. The pasture forecasting tool fact sheet...

Nesting shorebirds at risk along coastline

Who are you sharing the beach with this summer? As we share our coastal landscape with shorebirds this summer we can all play our part...

Minister hand picks landscape boards

Primary producers, conservationists and local councillors are among the 25 new members and 40 current members appointed to South Australia’s landscape boards. A total of...

Feral deer control ramps up

Almost 3500 feral deer have been removed from the Limestone Coast in 2022 as the Limestone Coast Landscape Board turns its sights to increasing...

Students flock to program

Allendale East Area School students have flocked to save coastal shorebirds through the Limestone Coast Landscape Board’s ‘The Flock’ project. Mid last year the school’s...

Program connects community to Country

Walking the Seasons is an educational program that was inspired by the region’s First Nations seasonal calendar. The program aims to help the Limestone Coast...

Young leaders celebrated

Young environmental leaders from across the region met recently to celebrate their learning and achievements at the annual Young Environmental Leaders Program (YELP) expo...

Pest rabbit control efforts stepped up

The Limestone Coast Landscape Board will be releasing biological controls to help reduce rabbit numbers in isolated pockets across the region and support rabbit...

Landscape officers stop weeds at source

Inspections of nurseries and florists to begin in the Limestone Coast Limestone Coast Landscape Officers will inspect nurseries and florists in the region for compliance...

Students sink teeth into garden

Melaleuca Park Primary School Young Environmental Leader Program (YELP) students have been planting seeds of success, creating their own indigenous edible garden as part...

‘Hoodies’ nesting season optimistic

Last year, nesting season for the hooded plovers shared a positive trend in several regions including the Limestone Coast compared to previous years’ fledged...

Landscape board grant to help eradicate pests

Mount Gambier City Council will continue working with Burrandies Aboriginal Corporation to remove pest weeds and plants after the awarding of a $50,000 Limestone...

Weeds spring up across Limestone Coast properties

With an increasingly wet, warm spring the Limestone Coast is seeing an increase in the prevalence of weeds. Limestone Coast Landscape Board Landscape Operations team...

Learning hub takes flight

Anew bat learning hub has been launched by the Limestone Coast Landscape Board to educate people about the Southern Bent-wing Bat - which has...

Time to outfox the fox

The Limestone Coast Landscape Board is encouraging landholders to include a spring fox poison baiting program in their efforts to reduce the predator’s impact. Limestone...