Tag: nurse

Regional health push

The Australian Nurses and Midwives Federation SA Branch (ANMF SA) has launched a campaign with a public petition to call on Premier Peter Malinauskas,...

Senior nurse returns

Senior nurse Michele de Wit has temporarily returned to a Mount Gambier-based position as the acting Limestone Coast Local Health Network Executive Director of...

Nurse positivity shines

Senior Millicent nurse Caroline Dower has secured one of the prestigious awards given out each year by the Limestone Coast Local Health Network.
The Millicent...

Tertiary health grants support local students

Local tertiary students pursuing health-related studies that require relocation to other areas are being invited to apply for the Mount Gambier and District Tertiary...

Nurse housing upgrade on hold

There have been some slight changes to the community project to upgrade the accommodation for visiting student nurses at Millicent and District Hospital.
At present,...

On-site nurse housing boosted

Members of the local community are opening their wallets to the tune of around $10,000 to upgrade the spartan accommodation for student nurses at...

Young nurse tops award

One of the region’s most dedicated and talented young health professionals is a Mount Gambier resident who nurses at Millicent Hospital. Associate Nurse Unit Manager...