Tag: plan

Transport strategy driven for future

Limestone Coast residents are being urged to have their say on a landmark new holistic transport strategy being developed that will guide policy outcomes...

Grains plan safeguards future

Anew plan has been unveiled to strengthen biosecurity protections and further safeguard the $32b Australian grains industry, by delivering a range of targeted activities...

Air emergency response tested

The Mount Gambier Regional Airport recently conducted a practical emergency exercise utilising an unserviceable Jetstream 100 fuselage.
The exercise was designed to test the response...

City Council budget given green light

Mount Gambier City Council ratepayers will pay an average additional $119 per year in rates after the council last week adopted its budget.
Council last...

Draft community vision delivered

The Mount Gambier City Council has collated its draft community vision for Mount Gambier - 2035, incorporating an overarching vision statement, ‘A volcanic past...

Rezone quashed

Aproposal to rezone land to allow residential development near the Beachport Golf Club’s course has been quashed at the monthly meeting of Wattle Range...

City vision shared

Acommunity panel comprised of 28 local people from all walks of life have come together to develop a draft community vision for the city’s...

‘Think before you spray’

Adry May, but with good June rains expected, has most grain producers across the state currently dry seeding.
The Department of Primary Industries and Regions...

Saleyard project ‘shovel ready’

Amulti-million-dollar project envisaged for the Mount Gambier and Districts Saleyards could be shovel-ready by April this year. Grant District Council staff and elected members recently...

‘Major rezone’ proposed

Consultation will open in the coming months on a proposed major rezoning application in the Limestone Coast, with the State Government calling on the...

‘Plan and prepare’ for fire season

The strong message for Limestone Coast residents is to “plan and prepare” as recent bushfires in the northern hemisphere have prompted a warning as...

City Councillors to consider feedback

Mount Gambier City Council will formally consider all feedback on the Draft 2023/2024 Annual Business and Budget at a special council meeting to be...

Council endorses ‘open space’ plan

Anew open space strategy has been endorsed for Mount Gambier following extensive community consultation and auditing of various outdoor spaces. Mount Gambier City Council last...

Glencoe story tops awards

A locally written history book has been awarded a prestigious medal by the History Society of SA. The Accidental Heiress: Journey of a Glencoe Squatter’s...

New office contract goes back to council

A major step in the construction of Millicent’s proposed $5.5m civic office is set to be taken tonight when Wattle Range Council holds its...