Tag: produce

Fair fun at Yahl

The Yahl Primary School will host its Spring Fair on-site tomorrow from 3.30pm to 7pm.
 The fair is a student driven event that provides the...

Regional soiree a success

The Sow and Savor Soiree hosted by the Hamilton Pastoral and Agricultural Society last week was a resounding success.
The black-tie dinner brought together local...

Students ‘set up shop’ with quality produce

Mary MacKillop Memorial School students recently established the ‘MacKillop Market,’ selling fresh produce from their school garden. Mary MacKillop runs the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden...

New brewery raises the bar

Construction of a new brewery near Mount Gambier is well under way, with the new venue expected to open in July. Business owners and former...

Market in bloom

Sunshine and flowers filled Mount Gambier’s Farmers Market on Saturday, as green thumbs vied for a gardening gong. The market staged the judging of its...