Avigil will be held tomorrow evening to remember those who have lost their lives due to domestic and family violence. The Limestone Coast Family Violence...
Around 150 members of the tight-knit Glencoe community honoured wartime service and sacrifice at their annual observance of Anzac Day on Thursday. Participants gathered outside...
Abeautiful autumn morning greeted more than 300 people who gathered in Penola to commemorate Anzac Day.
Coonawarra Penola RSL president Peter DeGaris was thrilled with...
Residents from across the Limestone Coast gathered on Anzac Day to honour those who have served our nation.
Communities across the region gathered for dawn...
Several Limestone Coast community groups have been allocated substantial grant funding as part of the State Government’s “Thriving Communities” program. The Kalangadoo Community Club, Millicent...
AMount Gambier allied health service states it has recently withdrawn its twice-weekly clinics at Millicent owing to a dispute with SA Health. Therapy for Life...
The future of the Uniting Church at Beachport is uncertain on account of a dwindling congregation. Discussions were recently held involving local and Adelaide-based church...
Afour legged participant will be missing from Millicent’s Anzac Day march in 2024. A beloved blue heeler, ex-Army mascot dog had retired to Millicent in...
Alack of ongoing funding and collaboration between services are two of the major barriers to collaboration of Alcohol and other Drug and mental health...