The Grant District Council has commenced Stage 1 of its Local Heritage Survey Project by consolidating the district’s rich history under key themes and...
Two Orange-bellied Parrots (OBP) were located on the Narrung Peninsula during the OBP survey in September. It was the second confirmed recording of OBP in...
The majority of Australian beef producers have confirmed no change their intention to adjust their herd sizes as indicated in Meat & Livestock Australia’s...
An external report has stated almost half the non-labour costs of operating the Kimberly-Clark Australia Millicent Mill can be attributed to the use of...
The latest in road safety mapping technology is traversing the region as of last week to survey state-maintained roads in the South East. iPAVE will...
The Limestone Coast Landscape Board is encouraging landholders with shelterbelts on their property to support a survey on the effects of shelterbelts on soil...
The draft Mount Gambier City Council Sport, Recreation and Open Space Strategy (SROSS) is open for community consultation.
The first of its kind for the...