Tantanoola tradition continues

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Tantanoola tradition continues

Ayearly Christmas Day custom for dozens of revellers continued outside the former Tantanoola cheese factory last month.

They told a few yarns, downed a few cold beverages and raised some money for charity.

Known as the Once-a-Year Club, it is strictly for adult males only and runs between 11am and 1pm.

In the post-war years, local farmers would deliver milk to the factory on Christmas morning and then stay on for a few hours of socialising.

Truck driver Keith Sneath and dairy farmers Tal Chant, Brian Johnson, Max Johnson and Les Burdon decided to form the club 64 years ago.

After seven decades of operation, the factory ceased making cheese in 1965 but the yearly gatherings have continued on the roadside verge.

The names of the Once-a-Year Club members are painted on a board attached to an exterior wall of the stone buildings on Poonada Road.

The club has a charitable purpose and gives away significant sums from staging raffles.

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