Tech fast-tracks search efforts

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Tech fast-tracks search efforts

SAPOL Officer in Charge of the Limestone Coast Local Service Area Superintendent Cheryl Brown has highlighted the importance of technology in locating missing people following a recent incident.

A drone was sent to Millicent last week in the early hours of Thursday morning to assist police and SES rescue with locating a missing person.

The Millicent man presented at the local police station once he was aware police were trying to locate him.

“The drone is something that is very, very handy to assist us in finding missing people because as you can imagine we can get them up and get vision across a far broader area then what we can just simply by driving around, particularly when you have forest areas in the pine forests etc,” Superintendent Brown said.

“What we do is when we think there is a need to find someone quickly in that regard then we will use all the resources, we will pull the resources in as early as possible.”

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