The mighty Murray comes to Casterton

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The mighty Murray comes to Casterton

THE Night on the Darling River might be set a bit further north than Glenelg Shire, but the plot could come straight out of this area.

So it’s fitting that its author is headed to Casterton to talk about her latest book.

Popular historical fiction novelist Darry Fraser will be at the Casterton Library next month to discuss the book, her latest of many novels.

Tess Hawthorn is a woman on the run from her abusive husband – all she has to do is get on the riverboat Victor and she will be free.

But with tensions at an all-time high between unionist shearers and Scabs, Tess is not the only person trying to board a boat under the cover of night.

Darry fell in love with the mighty Murray River as a child when her family moved to Swan Hill. Stories of the river have been with her ever since and it’s where a number of her best-selling novels are set, including Daughter of the Murray and Where the Murray River Runs.

She now lives on the beautiful Fleurieu Peninsula, South Australia, very close to the Murray.

Darry’s stories are full of ordinary people in 19th Century Australia who are drawn into difficult circumstances.

Meeting with Farry is free and will be held at the Casterton Library on Monday, 10 February from 11am until 12 noon.

A light lunch will be provided and bookings are preferred – phone 5522 2265, email, or message on social media.

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