Theatre commitment

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Theatre commitment

The region’s top health bureaucrat has committed to keeping the operating theatres open at Millicent.

This is despite the amount of same-day surgery declining at Millicent and District Hospital in the last financial year.

There was an average of 64 surgical procedures per month in 2023/24 compared to 71 in 2022/23.

The data was presented to the recent annual general meeting of the Millicent Health Advisory Council at the request of The SE Voice.

However, Limestone Coast Local Health Network chief executive Emma Poland gave an unequivocal commitment to local surgery at the subsequent annual general meeting of the Millicent and Surrounds Health Support Group (MASH).

She said where surgery was done was a live issue across the Limestone Coast region.

“There is no intention to withdraw surgery from Millicent and there is the potential for more,” Ms Poland said.

During her opening address, Ms Poland detailed the extensive upgrades to plant and equipment at Millicent including $30,000 on theatre air-conditioning and measures to meet higher theatre sterilisation standards.

MASH Group vice chairman John Andre said his group had sought the operating theatres at Millicent to be in use on four days per week rather than the current average of 3.5 days.

He said this would relieve the pressure on Mount Gambier Hospital where all emergency surgery was undertaken.

According to Mr Andre, a long-time visiting surgeon was full of praise for the surgical facilities at Millicent and it is staff.

Ms Poland began her address by thanking the 26 interested persons for attending the MASH Group yearly forum in the Dr David Harris Room at the Millicent Visitor Information Centre.

As well as the operating theatre upgrades, Ms Poland detailed other improvements at Millicent Hospital.

Its pharmacy is now located in the redundant nursery, dedicated rooms for mental health and dementia patients have been created and improvements made to the admissions area and staff dining room.

Additional radiology equipment is being installed and two nurses will be trained in its use.

Some bathrooms have been slated for upgrades in 2025, the lift has been repaired and new washers and dryers have been installed in the laundry.

A treatment room has been created at the Sheoak Lodge aged care facility while its menu has been revised in line with higher national standards.

Ms Poland said the LCLHN was looking to build partnerships with GPs across the region and gave the example of two senior staff meeting with the Medical Clinic Millicent.

During question time, The SE Voice asked about the availability of locum doctors at Milicent Hospital.

In reply, acting Millicent Hospital director of nursing/executive officer Fiona Oliver said there had been a very small number of occasions in the past year when a locum doctor was unavailable on site due to factors such as illness.

A number of meeting attendees expressed frustration at the difficulty in securing GP appointments.

A Millicent man felt a recent medical episode he suffered should have been assessed face-to-face by a locum doctor when he called at Millicent Hospital.

The urgency of maintenance of the hospital roof was highlighted.

Ms Poland concluded her remarks by praising all LCLHN staff.

“They punch well above their weight,” she said.

“It is about building trust, confidence and pride in our health system.”

The remainder of the 90-minute meeting was devoted to routine MASH Group business.

Retired nurse Joan Allan has joined the committee while vice chairman John Andre, public officer Ron Wood and treasurer Vicki Sapiatzer were re-elected unopposed.

However, the positions of chairman and secretary could not be filled.

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