Traditional American feast off the menu?

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Traditional American feast off the menu?

Ataste of the USA might yet come to Mount Burr for one night next month.

General store proprietors George and Rosie Copelin are undecided about again serving up American-style food exclusively to mark the passing of 248 years since the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

“We have not yet made a decision about staging an Independence Day dinner in 2024,” Ms Copelin said.

“We have been asked many times and the dinners are very popular and always sell out.”

The 13 American colonies sought to break from British rule on July 4, 1776 and it has been a momentous occasion for the United States of America ever since.

American-born storekeeper George and his Aussie wife Rosie have hosted numerous sell-out dinners at Mount Burr in recent years to mark Independence Day and also Thanksgiving.

There is quite an amount of extra work in order to stage such special dinners.

They extend the seated capacity of the Thomas Drive premises to 50 and program the jukebox to only play American artists.

The Copelins have to obtain a special circumstances licence and so wine, beer and assorted alcoholic drinks can be 

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