Van As takes golf club’s weekly title over Layley

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Van As takes golf club’s weekly title over Layley

A SMALL field of only 9 players on Wednesday but a couple of good scores on the result sheet.

Winner was Brett Van As (29) with 44 points from Richard Layley (16) on 41 points well clear of the rest of the field.

NTPs Richard Laley 2nd and 2nd shot on the 9th , Roy McCallum 8th and 13th and Murray Frost 17th.

Getting close to the commencement of the weekly Tyrepower award which will start on the first Wednesday in February.

Saturday was another hot day, but most players decided to hit off at the normal time.

A god field of 24 players played a par round with Gary Carlin (17) an easy winner with +5 from inform Richard Layley (15) on +1.

NTPs John Matthews 2nd Ewan Herring 8th and 17th and Roy McCallum 13th; Hayden Munro continues his good form although not the winner he may have done another couple of shots.

Our AGM is due early February so get your nominations in for committee to help the club move forwards.

February the 10th is the Merv Williams Glenelg Vets day, possibly followed by the Hospital Day to be confirmed.

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