Veteran golfers tee off at Kingston

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Veteran golfers tee off at Kingston

While the Limestone Coast was sweltering, 55 South East veteran golfers found 31 degrees at Kingston palatable, with the breeze keeping it cool.

The Division 1 winner was Millicent’s Terry Chant with 37 from Beachport’s Wally Altschwager counting out Bordertown’s Peter Johnson, both on 35.

In Division 2 local Rob Chalmers had 36 points from Mount Gambier’s Dennis Smith 34, and Millicent’s Rob Thompson’s 32.

The Ross Orchard trophy went to Wayne Dunford from Blue Lake and Robe’s Kym St John.

The nearest the pins went to Ian Greenwood, Dennis Smith, Bob Tonkin and Anthony Low.

The ball rundown was to 28 points or better while Bob Davies took home the Scotch.

The group’s next visit will be to Robe on February 17 followed by Blue Lake on March 3.

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