Vision unveiled

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Vision unveiled

The Liberal Opposition last night unveiled a vision for Mount Gambier’s future, with a comprehensive policy package that aims to unlock the region’s full potential and create lasting social and economic benefits for generations to come.

Recognising Mount Gambier’s significance as South Australia’s second-largest city, the Liberal Opposition has pledged that if elected in 2026 it will allocate an estimated $40m to significant investments in infrastructure, tourism, healthcare, and community development – addressing issues facing the local community while also creating a more inclusive and vibrant Blue Lake city.

Key policies announced included the redevelopment of Vansittart Park, transforming the Crater Lakes precinct, creating a 24-hour MFS service, allocating a sea rescue service at Port MacDonnell, driving a nature based tourism masterplan, funding radiotherapy services in the Limestone Coast, improving public transport, funding in-home hospice care, beautifying Mount Gambier’s main street and expanding apprenticeship and vocational training opportunities

Visiting Mount Gambier this week, Liberal Leader Vincent Tarzia outlined his plans for the region, centring on the Blue Lake city.

Mr Tarzia said his vision including investing in infrastructure and community wellbeing with the redevelopment of Vansittart Park.

“A revitalisation of this iconic space will boost community health, encourage inclusivity, and strengthen Mount Gambier’s appeal as a hub for major events and sporting excellence,” he said.

Mr Tarzia said he also had plans for the Crater Lakes bike park and trail precinct which included transforming the Crater Lakes area into a world-class adventure tourism hub.

“This initiative will attract visitors from across the world, boosting the local economy and supporting local businesses,” he said.

Mr Tarzia said he had worked with Mount Gambier MLC Ben Hood to identify projects that would benefit the community.

“The establishment of a round-the-clock Metropolitan Fire Service at Mount Gambier will ensure faster emergency response times, keeping the community safer and more resilient,” he said.

“A new dual-vessel sea rescue service (at Port MacDonnell) will improve coastal safety and protect lives along the Limestone Coast.

“The nature tourism masterplan will focus on enhancing the visitor experience at attractions like the Little Blue Lake, Piccaninnie Ponds, and Ewens Ponds, while preserving the region’s unique environment.

“An on-demand public transport service will improve mobility for both residents and visitors, making it easier to access key services and attractions.

“A Tarzia Liberal Government will address regional skills shortages through increased investment in apprenticeships and training, preparing Mount Gambier for future growth and emerging sectors.”

Mr Tarzia said he also wanted to empower the community with better healthcare.

“Mount Gambier will benefit from new radiotherapy services, saving cancer patients hours of travel time and ensuring more equitable access to life-saving treatments,” he said.

“Long-term funding will support the expansion of In Home Hospice Care services, allowing individuals to spend their final days with dignity, surrounded by family and friends.”

Mr Tarzia also said he would create a main street beautification fund for Mount Gambier.

“This initiative will inject new life into the town centre, with vibrant shopfronts, street art and community-driven events designed to attract visitors and improve the quality of life for locals.”

Mr Tarzia said these targeted policies and projects were a reflection of the Opposition’s “ongoing commitment to the prosperity, safety, and quality of life in Mount Gambier”.

“The Liberal Opposition are thrilled to announce this suite of policies and projects for the community of Mount Gambier,” Mr Tarzia said.

“As South Australia’s second-largest city, investment in the future of the region is vital and I think these projects really do reflect the needs of this community for now and many years to come.”

Shadow Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Mr Hood welcomed his party’s commitments to Mount Gambier.

“Mount Gambier, the place my family and I call home, is a community with so much to offer,” he said.

“This policy package shows that a Tarzia Liberal Government is committed to taking our region to the next level – unlocking opportunities and securing a stronger future for our state’s second biggest city.”

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