What’s the plan?

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What’s the plan?

GLENELG Shire Council is now embarking on the development of the next Council Plan.

The 2025 – 2029 Plan with integrated Health and Wellbeing Plan and Community Vision, will be a key strategic document that sets the direction for Council for the next four years.

An Engagement and Communication Plan was adopted at last Tuesday night’s Council meeting and will see Council undertake an extensive six-week engagement campaign seeking community input to shape the next Plan.

Glenelg Shire Mayor Karen Stephens encouraged every Shire resident to get involved.

“After last year’s Council election we are required to develop a Council Plan detailing our direction for the next four years,” she said.

“Council aims to ensure that future decision making is guided by you – our community.

“We aim to streamline and strengthen the connection between them.”

A flyer will be delivered to every household in the Shire with information on how to get involved, including the dates for the pop-up Community Conversations, where to get hard copy surveys and postcards and who to speak to if you have any questions or need help to Have Your Say.

For more information visit the Your Say Glenelg page.

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