Willis what we’re talking about

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Willis what we’re talking about

Congratulations to WEST GAMBIER CRICKET CLUB‘s Sam Willis, who was named the Mount Gambier & District Cricket Association‘s 2023/24 Bill Whitty Medalist this week.

Willis polled 16 votes to narrowly claim the medal in front of North Sportsmans Cricket Club Inc.‘s Nick McInerney on 15 and teammate WEST GAMBIER CRICKET CLUB‘s Justin de Jong on 14.

Wishing all teams luck in this weekend’s grand finals, when WEST GAMBIER CRICKET CLUB takes on North Sportsmans Cricket Club Inc. in the Barber Shield, Gambier Centrals Cricket Club face off against Penola Cricket Club for the Crouch Shield, and Yahl Cricket Club faces Tarpeena Cricket Club for the Cox Bros Shield.

There will be a full wrap up online and in The SE Voice next week.

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