Workers change shift

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Workers change shift

Agroup of workers are about to walk away from their billion-dollar plant at the Kimberly-Clark Australia Millicent Mill.

However, they are not quitting their jobs or staging a protest later this month.

Indeed, their actions have the full support of KCA management.

The group will roll up their sleeves one Thursday afternoon and prepare meals for the needy in the kitchen of the Millicent RSL Hall.

Instead of working with state-of-the-art manufacturing equipment, they will be preparing curries and roasts.

Kimberly-Clark is a multi-national firm which encourages its 50,000 employees across the globe to undertake community projects.

Millicent Shares a Plate has had the backing of the KCA Millicent Mill since its inception several years ago.

Other local businesses have also made their manpower available for Millicent Shares a Plate including Nutrien and Woolworths.

The volunteer labour and corporate and other support means Millicent Shares a Plate was able to prepare more than 3000 free meals in the 2024 calendar year.

“We have hopefully filled a few hungry tummies,” a Millicent Shares a Plate spokesperson said.

“We could not do this without the enormous help from local businesses and extra special thanks to our major sponsors including Iberdrola, Woolworths, Wattle Range Council, Millicent Business Community Association, IGA, Andy’s Bakery and Foodbank.

“We look forward to continuing in 2025.”

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