Youth leadership program support

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Youth leadership program support

Afresh bid to secure funding for youth leadership initiatives will be made tonight when Wattle Range Council holds its August monthly meeting in Millicent.

Councillor Chris Brodie brought the matter to the equivalent forum last month but withdrew his original motion before it was put to a vote.

Cr Brodie has re-worded his notice of motion and is now seeking a staff report in regard to adding youth leadership sponsorship to the existing grants and sponsorship programs that Wattle Range Council already offers to the value of $10,000 annually.

In his remarks which accompany his motion, Cr Brodie said the objective of the youth leadership sponsorship is to support local youth with a 50% contribution to the costs of undertaking personal and professional development to advance their careers.

“In previous Wattle Range Council facilitated Strategic Planning sessions, Youth Development has been highlighted as a key priority for the Wattle Range Council community,” Cr Brodie said.

“The 2021 Census has revealed the average age of our Wattle Range Council area is 48 years, which is seven years above the state average.

“This demonstrates challenges in retaining young people to live and work in the region.

“The Riddoch Business and Community Association has proposed that Wattle Range Council allocate $80,000 to fund participation in a youth leadership program called Generation Thrive.

“This request highlights a need for improved access to personal and professional development training in addition to that currently available for schools and council.

“Wattle Range Council is currently involved in, “Empowering Able Young Leaders” leadership training for youth with a disability.

“This training is an exciting opportunity, however, is unlikely to attract young people who are employed in full-time work.”

Cr Brodie said the Limestone Coast Local Government Association also runs a Limestone Coast Leadership Program and council’s new community development manager Caroline Hill is involved in developing a Women’s Leadership Program.

“Both programs will be fee for service,” Cr Brodie said.

“This motion will address a need for further youth leadership development.

“By providing a youth leadership training sponsorship as a generic stream with an age cap, it will provide opportunity for youth who are looking at all programs available across the region such as Generation Thrive, Duke of Edinburgh and accredited courses such as Frontline Management, Project Management etc.”

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