Advice in patients’ hands

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Advice in patients’ hands

Anew healthy lifestyle program supports general practitioners to send targeted lifestyle information directly to patient’s smart phones.

The program produced by Country SA PHN (Primary Health Network) and funded by Preventive Health SA aims to support all country South Australians to discuss healthy lifestyles with their health practitioner.

It also focuses on supporting people with multiple chronic diseases such as diabetes and has a further program for pregnant women.

The patients receive video information directly to their smart phones including inspiring personal stories of country South Australian’s experiences with incorporating healthy habits.

Lachlan grew up in a small community on the Eyre Peninsula – struggling to maintain a healthy weight throughout his childhood and adolescence.

As a young adult Lachlan reached out for support from his general practitioner, making the crucial first step to creating a healthier lifestyle.

Lachlan features in the videos and would like to help others to feel empowered to play a more active role in their own health and wellbeing.

“Changing one little thing can lead to a cascading effect of changes that lead to a positive life,” said Lachlan.

The program also features The Embrace Collective’s Dr Zali Yager an international expert known for figuring out ‘what works’ to help people adopt healthy lifestyles.

In a two-pronged approach to complement the GoShare Healthy Lifestyle program for the community Dr Yager also shares her expertise to support general practitioners to have conversations with their patients about healthy lifestyles.

“We can engage people in a way that motivates them to incorporate health behaviours into their everyday lives,” Dr Yager said.

This dual approach will support people to have conversations with their general practitioner who in turn will be well equipped to support patients on their healthy lifestyle journey.

Country SA PHN chief executive Mark Hartigan said Country SA PHN has successfully collaborated with health technology company Healthily to produce previous GoShare targeted health messages to regional South Australia including shingles, diabetes, flu, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people focused palliative care.

“It is great to see such an important topic being addressed through the technology of the GoShare program,” he said.

“This initiative works hand in glove to support people in the community and importantly ensures appropriate support is available when they take that crucial first step to talk with their health professional.

“Sometimes it’s worth taking that first step even if it is the hardest step because once you take that first step, the second step is a lot easier.”

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