Bay-slide motor action

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Bay-slide motor action

Adrift event not to be ‘mist’ is being held this weekend as Port MacDonnell hosts two days of high-octane.

The Bayside Drift Matsuri is set to be a great opportunity for some locals to experience drifting along the picturesque Limestone Coast.

It is being staged by Antic Ways Car Club, a not-for-profit organisation which provides motorheads an opportunity to experience safe and regular events on a smaller and more affordable scale than traditional events in Adelaide, Mallala and Tailem Bend.

The Antic Ways Car Club has successfully hosted drift events at the Millicent saleyards in the past and has shifted its sights to the coast for 2023, with club secretary Andrew Illman looking forward to the tyre spinning action.

“It will generate income and interest for the township of Port McDonnell and the surrounding areas,” Illman said.

“The South East Motor Sport Alliance held identical events in 2017 and 2018 and has gifted us their association’s assets to continue their great work in bringing motorsport events to the South East and districts.

The event will be one for more experienced drivers, with entry costing $300 for the two days of action and driver numbers capped at 35.

“This will provide a safe event with substantial track time for all entrants,” Illman said.

“We would like this event to go ahead, not only for our organisation and our drivers, but also family, friends and support crews they bring along with them.”

The event will require the closure of a section of Finger Point Road either side of the Surfers Way junction from 7am on Saturday to 6pm on Sunday.

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