Big finish for Little Aths season 2024/25

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Big finish for Little Aths season 2024/25

FRIDAY was our last meet for the 2024/2025 and our members made the absolute most of it, with another two club records and a huge swag of personal bests to finish the season.

Oliver Grigg created a new club record over 100 metres in the Under 7 Boys age group earlier this season and on Friday night, beat that time again with 17.66 seconds.

Joanna Jarrad did the same in the Under 6 Girls, knocking half a second off her own club record for the 50-metre sprint, also set earlier this season – one of three PBs out of three events for the evening.

Presentation night will be held at 5.30pm this Friday night, at our clubrooms on Island Park 2

The club will provide meat for a barbecue; each family please bring a salad or dessert to share, as well as deck chairs and drinks.

Please let the club know if your family can make it, so we can sort out catering.

As the season comes to a close, special thank yous go to president Geoff Black, who runs our starting gates, Jenna Rodgers, who operates the timing gates and co-ordinates results each week, Gabby Sullivan who organises the On Track program and assists with our members who attend district and regional carnivals and to all of our amazing parents, carers, rellies and friends who help out with events and age group supervision, every week.


Under 6 Girls

100m – 1 Joanna Jarrad PB, 2 Stephanie Gould PB, 3 Eileen Matthews, 4 Lottie Currie; 50m – 1 Joanna Jarrad PB, 2 Stephanie Gould PB, 3 Eileen Matthews, 4 Lottie Currie; Discus – 1 Stephanie Gould PB, 2 Eileen Matthews PB, 3 Joanna Jarrad PB, 4 Lottie Currie PB.

Under 6 Boys

100m – 1 Harry Smith PB, 2 Morgan Scott, 3 George Steenholdt PB, 4 Bobby Killey; 50m – 1 Harry Smith, 2 George Steenholdt PB, 3 Morgan Scott PB, 4 Bobby Killey PB; Discus – 1 Harry Smith PB, 2 Bobby Killey, 3 George Steenholdt.

Under 7 Girls

100m – 1 Molly Mara PB, 2 Ava Constantine PB, 3 Zara Norris PB, 4 Zylah Forbes PB, 5 Neve Barlow PB, 6 Skylar Devereux PB; Discus – 1 Skylar Devereux PB, 2 Zylah Forbes PB, 3 Zara Norris, 4 Neve Barlow PB, 5 Ava Constantine, 6 Molly Mara.

Under 7 Boys

100m – 1 Oliver Grigg PB, 2 Lincoln Henty Anderson PB, 3 Beckett Duperouzel, 4 Parker Smith; 50m – 1 Oliver Grigg, 2 Lincoln Henty Anderson PB, 3 Beckett Duperouzel PB, 4 Parker Smith; Discus – 1 Parker Smith PB, 2 Oliver Grigg PB, 3 Lincoln Henty Anderson PB, 4 Beckett Duperouzel.

Under 8 Girls

100m – 1 Jorgie Jarrad, 2 Ailish Tait PB, 3 Katie Campbell PB, 4 Livy Smith PB, 5 Bella Gould PB, 6 Sapphira’ Constantine; 70m – 1 Ailish Tait PB, 2 Jorgie Jarrad PB, 3 Livy Smith, 4 Katie Campbell PB, 5 Sapphira’ Constantine PB, 6 Bella Gould; Discus – 1 Sapphira’ Constantine, 2 Katie Campbell, 3 Ailish Tait PB, 4 Livy Smith PB, 5 Jorgie Jarrad, 6 Bella Gould; High Jump – 1 Sapphira’ Constantine PB, 2 Jorgie Jarrad PB, 3 Ailish Tait PB, 3 Livy Smith, 5 Katie Campbell, 6 Bella Gould.

Under 8 Boys

100m – 1 Levi Constantine PB, 2 Kit Ferguson; 70m – 1 Levi Constantine, 2 Kit Ferguson; Discus – 1 Levi Constantine PB, 2 Kit Ferguson PB; High Jump – 1 Levi Constantine, 1 Kit Ferguson.

Under 9 Girls

100m – 1 Isla Duperouzel, 2 Averie Parsons, 3 Lori Campbell, 4 Stephanie Smith, 5 Dakota-Jane Wilson; 70m – 1 Isla Duperouzel PB, 2 Averie Parsons, 3 Lori Campbell, 4 Dakota-Jane Wilson, 5 Stephanie Smith; 800m – 1 Isla Duperouzel, 2 Lori Campbell PB, 3 Dakota-Jane Wilson; Discus – 1 Averie Parsons PB, 2 Lori Campbell PB, 3 Stephanie Smith PB, 4 Isla Duperouzel, 5 Dakota-Jane Wilson; High Jump – 1 Isla Duperouzel PB, 2 Lori Campbell.

Under 9 Boys

100m – 1 Jimmy Barlow PB, 2 Rylan Henty-Anderson PB, 3 Isaiah Devereux PB, 4 Archie Ferguson PB; 70m – 1 Rylan Henty-Anderson PB, 2 Jimmy Barlow PB, 3 Isaiah Devereux PB, 4 Archie Ferguson PB; 800m – 1 Jimmy Barlow PB, 2 Archie Ferguson, 3 Rylan Henty-Anderson, 4 Isaiah Devereux; Discus – 1 Jimmy Barlow PB, 2 Archie Ferguson, 3 Rylan Henty-Anderson, 4 Isaiah Devereux; High Jump – 1 Jimmy Barlow, 2 Isaiah Devereux PB, 3 Rylan Henty-Anderson PB, 4 Archie Ferguson.

Under 11 Boys

100m – 1 Curtis Campbell; 70m – 1 Curtis Campbell; Shot Put – 1 Curtis Campbell.

Under 12 Girls

100m – 1 Alinta Margetts; 70m – 1 Alinta Margetts; 800m – 1 Alinta Margetts PB; Shot Put – 1 Alinta Margetts PB.

Under 13 Girls

100m – 1 Annabell Allkin PB; 70m – 1 Annabell Allkin; 800m – 1 Annabell Allkin; Shot Put – 1 Annabell Allkin; Triple Jump – 1 Annabell Allkin PB.

Under 17 Boys

100m – 1 Myles Black; 70m – 1 Myles Black PB; 800m – 1 Myles Black PB; Shot Put – 1 Myles Black; Triple Jump – 1 Myles Black PB.

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