Biosecurity boosted

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Biosecurity boosted

Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) and the Australian Lot Feeders’ Association (ALFA) are working together to champion biosecurity preparedness for exotic animal disease (EAD) threats through the provision of a biosecurity manager for Australian lot feeders as well as tools to arm the industry in the event of an incursion.

ALFA president Barb Madden said the main priority of the newly funded Feedlot Biosecurity manager position was to deliver the five objectives of the ALFA EAD Biosecurity project.

Rachael O’Brien has been appointed to the role and will oversee the development of a range of tools that will aid Australian feedlot enterprises to respond to an EAD incursion in Australia to protect their businesses.

“The tools will include templates and guides on how to strengthen biosecurity practices to best manage animal health in a feedlot during an EAD response,” Ms Madden said.

“The biosecurity manager will physically visit lot feeding regions and conduct a series of workshops and extension days covering pre and post EAD tools and resources.

“They’ll also work closely with feedlots to workshop how to use these tools and resources to build EAD capacity and confidence for individual feedlots.”

Ms Madden said in an effort to address the need for more accessible biosecurity resources for many of Australia’s regionally located feedlots, the new role aims to boost awareness of new and existing frameworks that govern an EAD incursion, including the role of governments and peak industry councils in decision making.

“We want those in the feedlot industry to be more aware of the tools on offer and the support available to their people and businesses,” she said.

Ms Madden said ALFA will continue to search for opportunities to address gaps in EAD preparedness to better prepare the feedlot industry for an EAD incursion.

“Having a person on-the-ground, dedicated to this task will keep the Australian lot feeding industry in good hands,” she said.

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