Business brewing

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Business brewing

Planning approval has recently been sought to convert a stone barn in the Hatherleigh township into a micro-brewery.

The 120-year-old structure houses sophisticated brewing equipment operated by retired army officer David Smith.

His development application is being handled by Frank Brennan Consulting Services.

As well as the micro-brewery, the barn will also be used as an art studio.

Other aspects of the proposed development are a disabled toilet and car parking.

Located in Third Street, public comment has been invited on the project.

After a 35-year decorated career with the Australian Defence Force, Mr Smith has been looking to develop a long-time hobby as a craft brewer.

Along with his wife Selena and her parents John and Lis De Koke, they moved to the Hatherleigh township dwelling in 2022 and renamed it “Thyme Cottage”.

Selena, John and Lis are artists and part of the stone barn is given over to their studio and gallery.

When the renovations and extensions are completed and the various regulatory approvals and licences secured, the gallery will complement the craft brewery.

The public will be welcomed at various licensed functions and will make good use of an al fresco area with outdoors pizza oven.

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