Central wakes sleeping Tigers

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Central wakes sleeping Tigers

Tigers sprung a surprise on league leader Central in a determined game of Mount Gambier and District Baseball League action on Friday night at Blue Lake Sports Park.

Tigers pitcher Joe Sims had a tough start at the top of the first when he dished up consecutive walks to Kyall McClean and Nathan Meinck.

McClean was batted in on a sacrifice fly to score the opening run before the pitching started to get back on top.

The orange and black returned fire in the bottom of the dig as lead off batter Ben Marcus hit safely to rightfield.

With bases loaded Joe Sims picked a walk which moved Marcus to home, tying the score.

The Magpies added two more in the very next inning when Dylan Gull picked a walk and Josh Chuck hit safely to rightfield.

Gull was batted in by Kyall McClean’s hit into a fielder’s choice and Chuck crossed on Nathan Meink’s hit to rightfield.

In the top of the fifth Dave Harris picked a base on ball and he advanced to home when Koby Chant’s hit to left field landed in fair territory.

A change of pitchers for Central saw Chant move to the mound and things started badly for the black and white.

A Mitchell Thomson flyball was dropped at third base, three consecutive walks by Matt Thompson, Kane Harrison and Joe Sims with Sims’ base on ball scoring Thomson before three straight strikeouts retired the side before any more damage was done.

In the top of the seventh with Karl Ransom on the hill for Tigers, Dylan Chuck slammed the ball to leftfield and was batted in on Dave Harris’ sacrifice fly to centrefield, giving Central the lead five runs to two.

Tigers reacted immediately when Matt Thompson and Kane Harrison both drew base on balls and were both batted in by Joe Sims’ double to centrefield and now Tigers were back in the game.

Another change on the mound for Central could not stop the charging Tigers in the eighth.

The scorebook in the eighth was covered in red ink as Ben Marcus hit safely to rightfield and Karl Ransom picked a walk.

Mitchell Thomson found himself at first after a throw from the Central catcher went wild resulting in Marcus and Ransom both scoring.

The icing on the cake for Tigers was when Thomson crossed on Kane Harrison’s sacrifice fly to leftfield.

Central offered no resistance in the top of the ninth giving the win to Tigers seven runs to five.

Tigers had seven safe-hits for five runs batted in, nine base on ball, 12 strikeouts and made three errors.

Central eight safe-hits for five runs batted in, seven base on ball, one hit batter, eight strikeouts and made three errors.


In one of the tightest games of the season Federal held sway over South Indians in Saturday night’s Division 1 baseball.

They were on the board in the bottom of the second when Jordan Johnson hit safely to shortstop and was batted in by Clay Carpenter when he hit deep to leftfield for a two bagger.

It was not until the seventh they doubled their score, Roy Hutchesson’s hit to second base resulted in a wild throw from that player and he was batted in by Alex Reppin who also drove the ball to the outfield.

South fought back in the eighth to tie the score.

Tarkyn Morale picked a base on ball and Ryan Walters’ leftfield safety saw him stand up at second base and Morale at third.

Jett Lewis then singled to leftfield which scored Morale and Walter crossed home on Ben Nash’s sacrifice fly to centrefield tying the ball game.

Federal was unable to push a runner across the plate in the next two innings to break the deadlock so at the end of the ninth, with the scores tied and 25 minutes left in the three hour limit the game continued into the tenth.

Tensions rose between both teams and their supporters as they both fought for the vital run.

A spectator was ejected from the park for abusing an umpire.

Baseball is a game of millimetres, highlighted by a pitch just over the plate or just missing, a hit ball landing just inside or outside the baseline.

And that is the way the game turned out.

South went three up and three down at their turn at bat in the top of the tenth.

Federal’s first batter Matt Nicholls flied out, while brother Craig hit to short stop and the resultant throw to first was fumbled giving him a chance.

Jordan Johnson also flied out to shortstop, leaving the side two out with the game looking like going to an eleventh inning.

However, Clay Carpenter singled to leftfield and Nash Lobley beat the throw from his hit to third base giving the Demons a chance of scoring, having loaded the bases.

And this is where millimetres play their part.

Roy Hutchesson pulled the ball fine down the third base line and it was adjudged a fair hit by the plate umpire as it ran out to leftfield with Craig Nicholls crossing the plate for the winning run.

Federal had 10 safe-hits for three runs batted in, one base on ball, five strikeouts and made four errors.

South had 12 safe-hits for two runs batted in, two base on ball, four strikeouts and made five errors.

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