A HAPPY group of onlookers was treated to some great tennis as the grand finals were played out in Coleraine on Thursday evening.
Fortunately, the rain cleared in time to allow all matches to go ahead without interruption.
The A Grade final promised to be a very close contest and lived up to expectations with the top two sides, Coleraine and Tarrenlea, meeting to battle it out for major premiership honours.
After the disappointment of finishing runner-up last season and losing the semi-final to Tarrenlea two weeks ago, Coleraine was determined to reverse the result and take the title.
The A Grade result was a win to Coleraine with 34 games, defeating Tarrenlea on 29 games: Hamish Kelso-Wil McKenry d Alistair Lewis-Cam Robinson 7-6, Sam Bunge-Sally Armstrong d Trevor Row-Corey Sutherland 7-5, H. Kelso-S. Bunge lt A. Lewis-T. Row 6-7, W. McKenry-S. Armstrong d C. Robinson-C. Sutherland 6-4, H. Kelso-S. Armstrong d A. Lewis-C. Sutherland 6-1, W. McKenry-S. Bunge lt C. Robinson-T. Row 2-6.
The B Grade grand final was played between the two Sandford teams, Red v White.
Both teams played some great rallies and close points, but Red proved to strong, backing up last year’s win with another title by defeating White 35 games to 19: Alex O’Connell-Brad Gill lt Alan Rees-Robert Brown 4-6, Jack Tscharke-Sarah Bruce-Smith d Tui Matthews-Logan Matthews-Kays 6-2, A. O’Connell-J. Tscharke d A. Rees-T. Matthews 6-1, B. Gill-S. Bruce-Smith d R. Brown-L. Matthews-Kays 6-4, A. O’Connell-S. Bruce-Smith d A. Rees-L. Matthews-Kays 7-5, B. Gill-J. Tscharke d R. Brown-T. Matthews 6-1.
Following the matches, the Coleraine club hosted a barbecue for players and supporters before presentations were made by association president, Owen McClure.
This season, the aggregate award was re-introduced and winners announced.
The top woman was Coojar’s Janet Watt, with 149 games.
The men’s award went to StrathMundi’s Greg Johnson, with 167 games.
Congratulations to the winners and all players for another successful competition.
We look forward to seeing you all back on court in October for the 2025-2026 season.