Convicted rapist faces years behind bars

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Convicted rapist faces years behind bars

AMount Gambier man has been convicted and imprisoned for two counts of rape, assault with intent to commit rape and indecent assault.

John Kakule, 48, was sentenced for the offences in the Adelaide District Court by Judge Durrant last week.

The court heard the victim was new to Mount Gambier, was vulnerable and had minimal support.

The court heard prior to the offending Mr Kakule made numerous sexual advances towards the victim which she refused and sent her pornogprahic videos.

Mr Kakule picked up the victim and drove her to a secluded bush area before attempting to rape her in 2019.

The court heard he apologised and told the victim he would not do it again.

Two days later Mr Kakule was at the victim’s house where he indecently assaulted her after she tried to escape from him before raping her twice.

Judge Darrant said the victim provided a victim impact statement.

“She told me that because of you she has lost all her faith and trust in people and no longer feels safe in the community,” Judge Darrant said.

“She said she is deeply ashamed of what happened to her and says she will always blame herself despite knowing it was not her fault.

“She told me she experienced stress at the time of this offending and for three months thereafter while she waited for medical results to confirm her health.

“She said she no longer has a relationship with her brother as he remains supportive of you.”

Judge Durrant said in sentencing that “the protection of the safety of the community is paramount”.

“Rape is a grave crime. Courts must protect women from the predation of men,” he said.

“Your offending was neither spontaneous nor opportunistic.

“Your victim repeatedly denied your sexual advances and your offending was both planned and premeditated to get her to a secluded spot and alone in her home on the second occasion.

“She relied on you for support and you exploited her vulnerability and betrayed her trust.”

Mr Kakule was sentenced to six years, two months and 28 days imprisonment backdated to February 27, 2024 with a non-parole period of three years and five months.

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