Council motions passed

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Council motions passed

There were 100 motions passed during the 48-minute-long private portion of the March monthly meeting of the Robe District Council.

That equates to an average time of almost 30 seconds per motion.

The council had a closed session between 7.54pm and 8.42pm on March 13 to allow it to conduct its annual review of confidential motions.

Most of the matters will remain in confidence for at least a further 12 months but some have been authorised for public release. They include the leases for the Robe Medical Centre and the history of fishing at Robe.

However, such issues as a defamation case dating back 15 years will be kept private along with the annual Australia Day award nominations.

Deputy Mayor Councillor Nick Brown chaired the meeting in the absence of Mayor Lisa Ruffell.

However, Cr Brown left the chamber on a number of occasions during consideration of the confidential motions.

Cr Brown declared a material conflict of interest as he was either a Robe Council staff member or has a previous conflict of interest as an elected member.

During his absence, Cr David Laurie presided over the meeting.

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