Couple sets sights on 2024 challenge

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Couple sets sights on 2024 challenge

AMount Gambier couple is gearing up to take part in the iconic Shitbox Rally next year to raise money for the Cancer Council.

Dennis Chapman and Sianne Elshaug will join around 500 other competitors in June for the Winter Shitbox Rally 2024 as they drive from Melbourne to Alice Springs in a vehicle worth less than $1500.

Mr Chapman said the cause was one that is close to both their hearts.

“I have just had a lot of family members that have been affected by cancer, have had cancer, some have passed from cancer and some are undergoing treatment for cancer,” he said.

“My nephew who is not quite 30 has had two bouts of testicular cancer.

“Sianne’s stepsister was diagnosed with lung cancer and it was her dad who passed away five years ago now with lung cancer as well.

“One of my cousins, she passed away with Leukaemia 30 years ago.

“The more money we get, the more money goes into the council to hopefully find a cure and support for others.”

Their van christened Chris-Dee will be decorated with paint splatter stickers on which people can pay to write the name of someone who is fighting cancer or has tragically lost their battle.

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